Process and Value
 The Value Driver Model©
End-to-End - developers of the Value Driver Model©
The Value Driver Model© (VDM) shows how Business Process Management (BPM) applied strategically will ensure the company’s continuous alignment.
As described under "Background", we at End-to-End view the Value Driver Model© as a logic addition to BPM and EA. We also see the value-driver approach as a guarantee for a properly balanced portfolio of programmes and projects. The Value Driver Model© can deliver within those lines because it in a simple, strict and visual manner presents the management views needed to run a best-practice business.
The model in its very essence consists of four ellipses, each representing a “Business Sphere”. We name these “Corporate Governance”, “Core Business”, “Capacity Management” and “Business Process Management”. These spheres each represent a specific perspective on the way a company works.
Resulting from the way the four Business Spheres interrelate, the very essential elements of the Value Driver Model© emerge. These are the “Value Driver Fields”. They represent conceptual fields within which the company’s professional capabilities must be working together to achieve maximum success. Decisions made and actions taken within these overlapping areas is what drives value creation in the whole organisation. Hence, the label “Value Driver Field”.
To some the Value Driver Model© may resemble other attempts to describe the relationship between management, business and IT and, logically, the overlapping areas identify interfaces and interaction of the involved spheres. However, to use and to take advantage of the Value Driver Model© it is important to understand the special importance the Value Driver Model© attaches to these overlapping areas by identifying these as Value Driver Fields.
You will notice the prominent role "Business Process Management" plays within the Value Driver Model©, and you will notice that 3 out of 5 Value Driver Fields exist only due to this Business Sphere. “Business Process Management”, metaphorically speaking, drives the two business spheres “Corporate Governance” and “Capacity Management” apart. These two have no common Value Driver Field, which implies that "Corporate Governance" has no direct influence on value generated by technical capacities within "Capacity Management". A “value bridge” between the two is established only by the Value Driver Field "Balancing" created by the Business Spheres “Business Process Management” and “Core Business” interacting.
Introducing Business Process Management (BPM) into the management picture, equally important to business and IT, is unique to the Value Driver Model©. But to give BPM this status is only logical when already accepting that BPM is a strategic management discipline and not just something related to operational activities and IT. It is also logical when seeing BPM as management discipline which, according to also the Gartner definition, "spans organizational boundaries".
Line Management
Value Management