Reporting on performance indicators and documenting how well the business performs in support of the business objectives is essential
to both the BPM and the Value Management disciplines. Robust and systematic information on the business process perspective is exactly
what the BPM Function can deliver from monitoring and governing processes. This information is also exactly, what is required for
Value Management to align and balance the various objectives.
Understanding this strategic value perspective of BPM is mandatory if
any attempt to establish a BPM function should be successful and the wish to maintain a value perspective for the operational BPM
work should be realistic.
What the Value Driver Model© tells a BPM function through the Value Driver Field “Value Management”, is
that the unit should give highest priority to delivering value based process intelligence for senior strategic Business Process Owners.
This process intelligence provided must contribute to the formulation of useful Strategic Business Objectives (SBO) and Key Performance
Indicators (KPI).
By contributing a strategic process perspective, the BPM function provides not just focal points for top management
when setting SBOs but, by doing so, also establishes the starting point for breaking down KPI’s and identifying related Process Performance
Indicators (PPI) to processes. In addition, this identification of process related indicators provides also input to strategic risk
Altogether, this is a challenging picture to hold together and even more so when the elements are broken down further into
more detail. To handle this the BPM function will need to build a truly strategically anchored process architecture, an anchor which
so far has been very difficult establish so far. The Value Driver Model© tells us that the anchor can be established by running proper
BPM and focusing on value rather than line of business.
The line of argument above leads to the clear conclusion that Value Management
in a company cannot be separated from BPM and EA and that all these aspects must be worked on if a BPM function should have any chance
of delivering on objectives.