Local managers often seek to ensure the process optimization within their unit through Lean, and often as shorter Lean projects. This is good as also mentioned under the description of the Value Driver Field "Balancing". However, when Lean is used outside a BPM and joint Business Process Architecture context, and used within IT and other technology projects, meaning within the Value Driver Field "Optimization", the consequences for the technical capacities may be grave.
"Optimization" represents the interaction of business and technology. Most are aware that this business versus technology relationship is tricky and in the case of IT, much effort is made to ensure that the needs of business is driving IT and not the other way around.
What the Value Driver Model© reveals is a linkage to a cross-functional process context delivered by "Business Process Management". This part of the "Optimization" Value Driver Field links is shared with "Balancing" and "Configuration". Awareness of this Triple--Intersection gives guidance to how operational business can be optimized using technology.
The understanding of BPM build into the Value Driver Model© limits the typical understanding of the room for maneuver for managers intending to introduce new technology. In practical terms this means that configured technology should comply with the Business Process Architecture, and local procedures be an interpretation of the process described in the Architecture.